it's high time you said goodbye and switched to the more secure HTTPS. Google highlights HTTP sites as "not secure" in the address bar, which scares users away. Announce your future updates. This works especially well with multiple message sets. Readers who are engaged in the advertised topic are more likely to return. Be present on other sites. Ultimately, there's no better way to retain an audience than to establish your online presence. Don't limit yourself to your blog; expand and be an active part of the Internet. The more places you know on your blog, the more readers
you can attract. Epilogue To be honest with you, blog SEO isn't as hard as it sounds. Certainly not as difficult as creating a good blog in the first place – that's where the real challenge lies. A flashy, stylish blog with blog with mediocre content, even if the employee email list latter sees more updates. Moral of the story: take good care of your project. Readers love bloggers who respect what they do and their audience.
Just like in the real world, competition on the internet is inevitable. Whatever subject you choose, your blog will not be unique; you will be competing with other blogs for traffic. Luckily, you can use their very existence to your advantage with SEO tools. Find out which sites are linking to your competitors in WebCEO's Competitor Backlink Spy Tool and decide which ones might be linking to you as well.