We are obviously doing something right. Everyone was happy with what we were doing, so I came up with an advanced phase and started it as a sole proprietorship. Not because they couldn't be together, but because I didn't want it to be another agency thing. I wanted it to be a design company that could exist on its own and do design without being completely tied to marketing. Kelsey: It makes sense, and that's what I did with StoryShout. I have my consulting firm, MoxieDot, and Search Engine Journal is my full-time job. But then I do SEO and content and social media for a few clients, and then I wanted to start a content agency specializing just in brand website news, and that's exactly what you say. This is exactly why I started a different business.
It was because it was a very specialized service that was different even from what I was already offering, and so I think the separation helps hair masking service if you're going to be offering a very specialized service or something very specific. It helps customers understand it better compared to “Oh, Advertising Continue reading below Brent: It also comes down to whether you're an entrepreneur, then you think about the future. It's important to have a passion for what you're working on and a passion for the projects you engage in. But at the end of the day, when I look at a business, I start thinking, “what is my goal? What do I want to get from this business? If I want to sell it, one thing I learned is that if you package the business from a brand name and a structure, a business is not just about the product. It's about infrastructure. These are the employees.
It's about the ability for someone to come in, take over, replace you, and succeed. The more you can think of your projects as sole proprietorships and set them up that way, the more you set yourself up for success in being able to walk away from them in the future. Advertising Continue reading below Kelsey: Exactly. That's what I did with Story Shout. I do not write any content. I just talk to the customers, and then everything else, I get someone else to do it because, like you said, I wanted to set things up where I was without intervention. It was a great idea, and I thought it would be a cool business, but I don't necessarily want to do all the work. I want to hire great people to do it for me, so I agree with you on that. Online business concept with a tablet on blue background What does your average day look like?