Mowa consultant carried out a descriptive analysis regarding the behavior that customers currently have against collection through b2c email list campaigns through the mass messaging channel. In this study, all the responses of intention to pay and negotiation that are obtained daily by customers were analyzed. The most frequent answers received are: "where can i pay?", "i will go to cancel my debt today", "i want to receive more information regarding the mentioned discount", "thank you for reminding me", "give me my payment code for favour". The results show that people b2c email list belonging to the districts of san martin de porres, san juan de lurigancho, comas and ate, show a high interest in fulfilling their payment responsibilities through the messaging channel.
On the other hand, people belonging to the districts of santiago de surco, villa el salvador, los olivos, villa maría del triunfo, san b2c email list juan de miraflores, chorrillos, la victoria, san miguel and ventanilla present a medium payment intention. Finally, the districts of puente piedra, rimac, santa anita, independencia, carabayllo, la molina, san isidro, surquillo and breña present a slightly lower intention to pay. Additional data: another b2c email list point that is important to highlight from the aforementioned districts is that 14.72% of the people who show greater interest or concern b2c email list about paying off their debts belong to the "x" generation, being people who range in age from 40 to 55 years.
Very close to them is generation "y" with 10.22%, these people are between the ages of 27 and 39, also with a profile of people b2c email list interested in canceling their pending commitments. Finally, according to the study, it was possible to identify that, in callao, women present a slight majority in terms of their good behavior in payments compared to the male gender, while in central lima it is the male gender who presents a greater intention to pay. At the time of receiving b2c email list your collection through the sms channel. Although it is true that there is a small difference, it can be concluded that when it comes to paying off your debt, both genders tend to have similar behaviors.